Welcome to my cake blog..enjoy my creations! gracie x x

Welcome to my cake blog..enjoy my creations! gracie x x
Mother's day cakes

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Swiss Roll...

A quick and easy summer pudding...

For the Sponge:

125 g Plain Flour
125 g caster sugar
2 tbsp warm water
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the filling:

6 tbsps of Raspberry or Strawberry Jam
Handful of Raspberries/Strawberries
225 ml Whipped Double Cream


Preheat the oven to 190C/GM 5. 

Line the base of a 25 x 38cm swiss roll tin with greaseproof paper and grease the sides with softened butter.

Whisk the eggs and caster sugar together in with an electric hand mixer or food mixer until light and fluffy, then add the water and vanilla extract (whisking should take about 6-8 mins)

Sift in the flour, about one-third at a time, and fold it into the mixture using a large metal spoon. 

Pour the mixture gently into the prepared swiss roll tin and bake in the oven for 12–15 minutes, or until the centre of the cake is slightly springy and the edges have shrunk away a little from the sides of the tin. 

Spread out a piece of greaseproof paper (slightly larger than the tin in size) on a work surface and sprinkle evenly with caster sugar (this stops the roll from sticking to the paper). Turn the Swiss roll tin onto the sugared greaseproof paper, then carefully remove the tin and greaseproof paper from the bottom of the cake. 

Place a slightly damp, clean tea towel over the cake and leave to cool for 30 minutes – this will prevent it drying out and cracking when you roll it. 
When the cake is cool, cut the edges with a sharp knife (this will make it look tidy when you roll it up), then score a line about 3cm from the inside edge of one of the long sides of the sponge.

Spread a layer of the raspberry jam, followed by the whipped cream leaving a 2 cm border around each edge of the sponge, then top with the berries.

Beginning with the scored edge of the sponge, roll up the Swiss roll away from you, pressing in tightly as you go. 

Sprinkle with caster sugar or dust with icing sugar to finish.

(Adapted from a Rachel Allen recipe: found here)

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